little boy with superman cape

Our Hidden Superpower: Smiling!

SMILING AT SOMEONE CAN turn their whole day around. But have you ever thought about the impact that the act of smiling has on YOU?

man with helmet on about to ski

Managing Tooth Sensitivity

IF THERE’S ONE THING WE can all agree on, it’s that nobody likes sensitive teeth! Tooth sensitivity can cause discomfort during daily tasks…

What Causes Bad Breath?

LET’S JUST SAY IT… bad breath is unpleasant. And yet we’ve all suffered from it. Sometimes, however, it’s worse than others.

scrabble letters spelling cavity

Cavities All Of A Sudden?

SOMEONE CAN GO THEIR WHOLE LIFE without having a cavity, and seemingly out of nowhere finds themselves at the dentist for a filling or two. How does this happen?

couple looking at each other lovingly

Are Cavities Contagious?

WE ALL KNOW it’s possible to catch a cold from someone who’s under the weather. Did you know cavity-causing bacteria can be passed from person-to-person too?