A dentist looking at a computer.

Why Do I Need Regular Dental Check-Ups?

(Last Updated On: June 2, 2021)

Going to routine dental check-ups is important for your overall health. Not only does it help keep your teeth and gums healthy, but these visits are also essential for spotting any trouble areas and taking preventative measures to maintain or improve your oral health.

At Longwood Dental Group, we understand that regular dental check-ups can make patients of all ages nervous, but they’re an important part of your wellness plan. Here are a few reasons why you need regular dental check-ups along with what to expect from your visit.

Keep Your Teeth Clean

This one might be obvious, but it’s important to have regular dental check-ups at least every 6 months to keep your teeth and mouth clean. During your appointment, your dental hygienist will remove any plaque or tartar buildup that occurs in between cleanings. Even if you floss and brush your teeth regularly, plaque can build up on your teeth and lead to other problems like gingivitis, cavities, bad breath, and tooth loss if not kept clean.

Practice Early Intervention

The Oral Health Foundation explained that not only can dentists solve oral health problems, they also actively work to prevent them. When looking in the mirror, you can only see a portion of what’s going on in your mouth. On the other hand, dentists have the tools and knowledge to look for abnormalities on your teeth, gums, and tongue (such as gum disease, dental decay, and mouth cancer). From there, they can be proactive in creating a care plan to ensure the issue doesn’t become a larger problem.

Receive Professional Advice

Have questions about your oral health? Your dentist can be your best resource when it comes to answering them. Whether you want to know if your child will need braces, the best way to floss, or recommendations for toothpaste for sensitive teeth, your dentist can give you expert advice that will benefit your oral health.

What To Expect During a Dental Check-Up

Now that you know why it’s important to receive regular dental check-ups, it’s important to cover what you can expect from your appointment. A routine dental check-up should be fairly straightforward and quick. After getting settled in, your dental hygienist will use their specialized tools to scrape off any hard buildup on the surfaces of your teeth and gum line. They may also floss and polish your teeth.

During this time, they will also be looking for any signs of tooth decay or gum damage. If your mouth hurts at any time during the appointment, let your dentist know. After it’s done, your dentist will be able to tell you if more work is needed or if you’re good to go until your next check-up.

Ready to book your next dental check-up? At Longwood Dental Group, we offer all the dental services you need for a beautiful smile! From routine dental maintenance to specialty work, our dentists can do it all. 

Contact us today to learn more about our dental services or easily make an appointment online.