EATING DISORDERS ARE incredibly dangerous, sometimes life-threatening mental conditions. The first…
Women’s Dental Health
WOMEN FACE A different set of challenges than men do in caring for their teeth and gums, and they…
Soothing a Sensitive Tooth
IF EVERY BITE of ice cream or every sip of coffee gives your teeth a nasty jolt, then you…
Smoking and Vaping Versus Teeth
SMOKING IS AN incredibly unhealthy habit for the entire body, and that includes teeth and gums. 80%…
The History of Fluoride and Healthy Teeth
IN ORDER TO EARN the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance, a tube of toothpaste must contain fluoride and…
Dental Emergency Preparedness
HAVING A PLANalready in place can make a huge difference if an emergency comes up, and…
How Does Diabetes Impact Oral Health?
DIABETES (ANY TYPE) tends to make good dental health a much more difficult goal to achieve, and…
We’re Observing TMJ Awareness Month
AROUND 35 MILLION people in the US are affected by temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ), which is…
How Can We Guard Against Gum Recession?
MANY PEOPLE HAVE the idea that gum recession is only a concern for older people (that’s where…
TikTok Is Full of Dangerous Dental Advice
TIKTOK ISN’T THE best place to go for dental health advice — unless your dentist is active on the app. We’ve…